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Community Art Club

Community Art Club

Community Art Club is a chance for students to experience making art through collaboration and group projects. Students will create art as a group with the intention to display within our school community. This year we will focus on creating murals!

Sponsored By: Ms. Black

WHO - 4th & 5th grades

WHEN - 2:35-3:30 The 1st & 3rd Mondays, October-April;

10/7, 10/21, 11/4, 11/18,12/2, 12/16, (Skip 1/6, 1/20), (Skip 2/3, 2/17), 3/3, 3/17, 4/7 & 4/21

Please Note: the days listed as skipped days are holidays/work days and there is no school for students

WHERE -  In the Art Room

Students should go straight to the art room from their classrooms when the bell rings.

Dismissal: Students will be escorted to BASE or through the main doors by the flag pole for pick up/walking home. Please make sure your students know their dismissal plan!