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Willow the Wildcat

Willow the Wildcat

The name of our mascot was announced - Willow the Wildcat!

We did some activities to honor our students of the month! Students were selected to come up and dress their teachers like a snowman! Mrs. Burd (5th grade), Mrs. Jantz (4th Grade), Mrs. Crowley (Kindergarten) and Mrs. Suto (1st Grade). Then students were selected to come up and play a game where they had to throw snow balls at the table to knock off bows and whistles. 

Lastly, the whole school sang Frosty the Snowman and each student received a candy cane! 

It was fun to celebrate the end of the first year, honor students who were showing PRIDE, and build our school community! 

Woodglen Merchandise can be purchased here! 

Students at Woodglen Throw pretend snowballs during a fun December assembly before break