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Conversation Heart Contest Winners

Wildcats guessed how many conversation hearts were in the library.

Here are our winners with the books they chose from the book fair!!

Student with book
Student with book
Student with book
Student with book

Woodglen's library received some upgrades and new floorplan recently. It has created a more open space and allowed us to add more books to the library!! The library is also home to Silly Putty, a creative, free thinking, engineering space that students are able to explore with their classrooms. 


Prevent summer learning loss and earn a chance for scholastic bookfair book.  

Destiny Quest



We have one of the largest circulations in the district.  Woodglen Readers Love to Read.  Our library has computers for testing on Accelerated Reader, Card Catalog Computers and over 13,000 books.  We are proud of our new library with our Castle Reading Corner and new furniture for students and community.  Come by and “Check us Out”.




Document(s) Size Upload Date
 Web Site Evaluation 5th grade_1.docx 12.95 KB 07/28/2018
 Book bingo - Sheet1.pdf 41.38 KB 07/30/2018
 Summer Reading - Sheet1.pdf 45.81 KB 07/30/2018