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Parent Teacher Organization


2023-2024 PTO Board Members

President – Jenny Wall

Vice President – Bridget Lesperance

Secretary – Jordan Krause 

Treasurer – Jessica Potter 

Assistant Treasurer – Kate Bennett 

Staff Appreciation – Kayla Banks 

Fundraising coordinators – 

      Christina Meisner & Amy Barcenas

2023-2024 PTO Meetings: Meetings are held on the following Wednesday's at 6:00 PM Location (TBD)

September 6th - in the woodglen library, pizza and treats provided

November 8th

January 10th

March 6th

May - 1st


Ongoing Yearlong Passive Fundraisers:School Store - sign your student up and send out emails to family and friends. Your student earns prizes and your teacher receives gift cards. School Code: 10355

American Furniture Warehouse Gives back to Schools

IF you purchase ANYTIME of the year AFW gives back to Schools.,  BUT let’s Rally to kick off the new school year right and help build our next annual donation.  Please share with/forward to friends and family.  Attached is the full flier.  AFW.pdf 


Interested in joining PTO? Take a look at the procedures for elections and duties of officers. This information can be found in the PTO Bylaws below. 

First page of the PDF file: WoodglenPTOBylaws